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Recurring Gift Programs

Join Our Recurring Gift Program for your Donation

Signing up for a recurring gift is a great way to help Renaissance Academy by providing steady, reliable funding for students and faculty through a monthly, quarterly, or annual gift to the school.

It's easy to enroll with a credit card using our safe and secure Online Form.

How It Works:

  • Determine the amount and frequency of your donation.
  • Monthly, Quarterly or Annually
  • You can complete a recurring gift and establish the terms.           

$100.00 can be divided up over 12 months, 4 months or just make a one-time payment You decide what you and your family can contribute monthly, quarterly or annually. An auto-charge for your gift will appear on your credit card at the predetermined interval (charges are made on or around the same date each period). An e-mail confirmation arrives for each charge. The gift will automatically renew each year. It's simple, secure and one of the best ways that you can support Renaissance!   

It's simple, secure and one of the best ways that you can support Renaissance!


  • Easier to budget and easier on your wallet.
  • You have control over your giving.
  • Your gift renews automatically.
  • You can cancel at any time. 
  • It's paperless, so it's better for the environment.

Should you have any questions about donating or gifts, please contact our Development Coordinator, Denise Kozuch-Harakal at her

Thank you for considering a donation to Renaissance Academy Charter School!

Upcoming Events

January 17


8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

January 17
January 17


4:30 PM - 7:00 PM

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