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Summer  Information

Main Office Summer Hours

  •   (Monday-Thursday), 7:30am-3:30pm
  • July 3-7 (Monday-Friday), Closed

Email the office at


Summer Information

Please use the pages under "Current Knights" and "Prospective Families" to find answers to your questions.

In addition:

Summer Work and Reading Lists

  • Recommended Summer Work for Grades K-4
  • Recommended Summer Work for Grades 5-8
  • All students entering grades 9-12 can find their required summer reading assignment posted to their "Class of" Google Classroom. Each assignment is specific to the English Language Arts course. New 9-12th grade students will receive their summer reading directly from the High School Principal during their scheduling meetings.

Course Recovery Information

If your student has failed a course and needs to complete credit recovery through our online course provider, your student's principal will contact you directly with instructions for this process.


Please visit the Athletics website for details about all sports.

School Supply Lists

Busing for the 2024-2025 School Year

Some school districts require that you complete and return a transportation form each school year. Please visit our Transportation Page for information regarding busing. Pay particular attention to their submission deadlines to ensure your student will have appropriate transportation in August.


Working Papers

Student working papers will be available during summer office hours. They are also available for you through your home school district offices.

Upcoming Events

February 10


All Day Event

February 10

Board Finance Committee

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

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